Poultry Lighting Project with Hunan Agricultural University
On 4th Oct, 2021, LEDHOME has had a successful seminar with Hunan Agricultural University on the subject of poultry lighting. On the meeting, the present of Colleage of Animal Science and Technology, the doctors of Animal Science and Technology. the CEO of LEDHOME and the engineer director of LEDHOME have had a deep professional discussion on the LED lighting effect to the future poultry lighting. LEDHOME will provide the most advanced special lighting and smart control lighting system for the following research of postgraduate team.
With our professional knowledge on animal science and technology, we will make improvement of the animal’s living environment through led lighting.Thanks for the support and cooperation of Hunan Agricultral University,with great hope, LEDHOME wants to work its max social responsibility on animal lighting industry and provides more works for sociality.